Building blocks for user interface functionality

There are two important aspects of the user interface of your application, the functional aspect and the design aspect. The functional aspect focuses on the way the end user will interact with the application, for example through menus and dashboards.


Create layouts to improve the presentation and usability of the class detail screens in the application.

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Forms can be used to enter new records into your application database, possibly for more classes at the same time.

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Queries & reports

The application engine offers a range of possibilies for users to query the application database and create reports.

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Dashboards provide an overview of the application and its surroundings, and can be used as a convenient entry point for the end users of your applicaion.

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A menu is located at the top of the standard surrounding page for applications, which can be used to easily navigate the application. The contents of this menu are fully customizable.

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Custom urls

Custom URLs  are used to map URLs to a particular request for the application engine to handle. This can be used to make URLs more easy to remember for humans, and for search engine optimization.

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