More information about moving to User Interface Version 4.0

Interface Version 4.0 can only be used if:

  1. The application uses the account system
  2. The following improvements steps are applied:
    • Matrix relevance supercedes custom relevance
    • Use layout reader always
    • Paragraphs above tabs
    • Use new FormReader
    • Email for account is read-only
    • Sort section columns by label

You can check if your application is ready for User Interface Version 4.0, by running the upgrade report in the backstage.
In this report all properties are listed that are still used.

1. Removed properties in the blueprint

Some properties in the blueprint are no longer used. Please check the breaking properties, since the behavior of your application might change significally.


  • Login page - Breaking
    A login page is not supported any more. Use a surrounding page for login.
  • Text at startup - Breaking
    If you need a specific text only at start up, create a seperate page, and set for "/" in a custom url
  • Local button location
    Is no longer supported. Is standardized. No action needed.
  • Page title
    Most pages of the application get a more specific <title> automatically. The Application full name is used as <title> on pages without a specific service.
  • Logo
    Can be added to the menu
  • Paragraph style in email
    Add a css to the surrounding page for email. We use a css inliner to include the styles in your emails.
  • Anchor style in email
    Add a css to the surrounding page for email. We use a css inliner to include the styles in your emails.

Special properties

  • Value 'Surrounding page' - Breaking
    This value is no longer supported. An application has only one single surrounding page defined in the blueprint.
  • Value 'Local button location'
    This value is no longer supported. Is standardized. No action needed.


  • Hide empty fields - Breaking
    This property can be set in the layout and/or section.
  • Surrounding page - Breaking
    An application has only one single surrounding page defined in the blueprint.
  • Header - Breaking
    Is only used for search. For headers at detail-forms, use property ‘Header’ in layout. You can use a conversion.
  • Footer - Breaking
    Is only used for search. For footers at detail-forms, use property ‘Footer’ in layout. You can use a conversion.
  • Add rows in table at top  - Breaking
    Can be set in the section.

Class text variation

  • Header - Breaking
    Is only used for search. For headers at detail-forms, use property ‘Header’ in layout text variation. You can use a conversion.
  • Footer - Breaking
    Is only used for search. For footers at detail-forms, use property ‘Footer’ in layout text variation. You can use a conversion.
  • User group - Beaking
    It is no longer possible to set a text variation for a user group. If needed, use a script.


  • Label location - Breaking
    Can be set in the layout, section and section field.  You can use a conversion.
  • Description location - Breaking
    Can be set in the layout, section and section field.  You can use a conversion.
  • Keep leading/trailing white space - Breaking
    Set 'Trim value for text fields' for the blueprint, and/or 'Trim value' for a specific field

Table/Section field column

  • Open file/blob - Breaking
    In table columns, the open blob/file property is not needed anymore. Setting the the display type to link now regulates this functionality. Examples: clazz table column fields, section column fields, query column fields.

Field text variation

  • User group - Breaking
    It is no longer possible to set a text variation for a user group. If needed, use a script.

Lookup list item text variation

  • User group - Breaking
    It is no longer possible to set a text variation for a user group. If needed, use a script.


  • Surrounding page - Breaking
    An application has only one single surrounding page defined in the blueprint.

User group

  • Surrounding page - Breaking
    An application has only one single surrounding page defined in the blueprint.
  • Target for url after logout
    No replacement.
  • Display drop down menu - Breaking
    If the application has a user group that does not need a drop down menu, you have to take care for this in the surrounding page.
  • Display detail header
    No replacement.
  • Display status message
    No replacement.

Search field text variation

  • User group - Breaking
    It is no longer possible to set a text variation for a user group. If needed, use a script.

Column text variation

  • User group - Breaking
    It is no longer possible to set a text variation for a user group. If needed, use a script.

Class relevance row

  • Local button location
    Is no longer supported. Is standardized. No action needed.
  • HTML template - Breaking
    A class has one single template, defined at the class details. You can use the new property ‘Template usage’ to define how the template has to be used. In UI4.0 and up the default value of template usage is 'NEVER', before is is 'ALWAYS'. Best to specify this value in all permission rows explicitly for a smooth transition.


  • Type ‘Modal’ - Breaking
    This type is no longer supported. Use a seperate layout.
  • Type ‘Page’ - Breaking
    This type is no longer supported. Contact CrossmarX for more details.

Section text variation

  • User group - Breaking
    It is no longer possible to set a text variation for a user group. If needed, use a script.

Section field text variation

  • User group - Breaking
    It is no longer possible to set a text variation for a user group. If needed, use a script.


  • Type ‘Class layout’
    This type is no longer supported.
  • Template url - Breaking
    Templates for forms are no longer supported. 

Form text variation

  • User group - Breaking
    It is no longer possible to set a text variation for a user group. If needed, use a script.

Form field text variation

  • User group - Breaking
    It is no longer possible to set a text variation for a user group. If needed, use a script.

Form section text variation

  • User group - Breaking
    It is no longer possible to set a text variation for a user group. If needed, use a script.


2. User Interface changes

  • More uniform page layout

  • More uniform error messages
    Submit failures are shown on top of the form or (if possible) below the widgets. so they are visually more part of the form.

  • Number of unsaved modified records is displayed
    In the menu bar a small icon shows the number of unsaved modified records in the session. By clicking, the records can be accessed (and saved or discarded).

  • Max length is ignored for presentation
    The property ‘max length’ is only used to control the max length of the data. It is no longer used to define the length of the input element. Use ‘edit length’ to define the length of the input element.

  • Irrelevant fields on a form
    Previously, a form field that is not relevant, was shown read-only on the form. Now the field is hidden. See issue 25884 and FormRelevanceTest.

  • Default description location: tooltip with button at label
    When no field description location is set in the blueprint, 'tooltip with button at label' will be the default.

  • Search on range uses two lines
    If a range is used in search, the end value is now always shown on a second line. This performs better in embedded search (in modals). This replaces the one line with "up to and including" check box.

  • Search values are no longer default
    When a user searches for records, and after the search, adds a new record, the search fields are no longer used as defaults for the new record.

  • Selections for actions
    Previously, the check boxes to select records for an action where always shown at the search results (when relevant). Now they are shown after activating the button.

  • Focus on inputs
    A form will get focus in fewer situations. Focus is only set on simple forms if it is clear that the element with the focus needs data input in all cases.

  • Request-parameters
    The following parameters in requests will not be supported any more:
    - succeeded
    - failed
    - template-read

  • Tooltips on buttons and menu-items
    Only icon-only buttons have a tooltip. We do not use tooltips on text-buttons.

  • Attention messages
    Submit and process failures related to a certain fields are always displayed below the input element

  • Page titles
    By default the title of a page is used as <title> and as <h1>. Only when no specific service is active, the page title in the blueprint is used as <title>.

  • Session.getLoginForm(String, String, String) - Breaking
    Undocumented velocity method Session.getLoginForm() is no longer supported

  • Surrounding page email.vm
    All system mails (e.g. autorization) have a default surrounding page (under construction)

  • Upload widget
    In the upload widget an image from your local clipboard can be pasted. Just keep your mouse on the widget, and Ctrl-V.

3. About sections

The following restrictions are applied to the use of sections:

  • Tabs are not supported on a modal.
  • Tabs can only be used on the top level of a layout. So tabs as child of a paragraph are not supported any more. Also tabs within tabs are not supported any longer.
  • When tabs are used, this can only be combined with paragraphs above the tabs. Previously, tabs above paragraphs were also allowed, but from UI 4.0 the only allowed order is paragraphs above tabs.
  • Modal sections are no longer supported. Create a seperate layout for a modal. 
  • Sections with a parent will always be a paragraph.
  • All sections without a type will be displayed as paragraphs.
  • The first option in the lookup list for paragraph style was ‘Regular’. This is renamed to ‘No border’. This option can now be used in combination with a title.
  • For paragraphs without a style, the style ‘With border’ will be the default.
  • The section type 'Page' can not defined any more. If you want to use pages/steps in the user interface, this is still possible, but you have to contact CrossmarX to discuss the details.

We offer a small conversion to ease the transition to 4.0. You can do this transition right before you move to 4.0 or right after it.

What does it do?

  1. All sections without a parent and without a type will get type ‘Tab’.
  2. All sections with a parent will get the type cleared, since this can only be a paragraph.
  3. All sections:
    - without a type or type ‘paragraph’
    - without a style, and
    - display name as title is false
    will get style “no border”.
  4. Columns with field that such as email, url and a foreign key, will only be displayed as a link if the display type is explicitly set to 'link'.
  5. All column fields with datatype blob and 'open blob' = true will be get display type 'link'. Note that this does NOT apply to columns defined in the application for example in queries or in custom scripts.

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