- Building blocks for user interface functionality
- Layouts
- Sections
- Defining the columns of a table
- Forms
- Form filters
- Searching for data
- Queries: Introduction
- Queries: Advanced search
- Queries: Columns in table
- Cross tables
- Queries: Saving and opening reports
- Dashboards
- Drop down menu
- Custom (user friendly) URLs
- How to change standard messages and labels
- Tree layout
- Velocity forms
- Configure the HTML editor
Queries: Introduction
A query is the whole of search filters, result columns and sorting, that can be saved and reused to provide a window into the database of the application. The results of a query can be displayed to visualize data, or to create reports. For instance a query can be made that displays all the sales of a service grouped per region.
Saving filters
After filters, columns, sort fields and chart settings have been made, the query can be saved so it can be used again, or expanded on in the future.
When saving a query, a name can be supplied and a number of other properties can be set.
The frequency with which the query is automatically updated can be set here. Take care to select a frequency that is in line with the size of the query and the demands for it's contents. A query on a large number of records can take some time to complete.
Another property to pay attention to is what usergroups this query is visible for. Take care that this property is set properly. Not selecting a user group means the query will not be visible
When the query is saved it can be opened from the search screen. Alternatively a list of all the queries in an application can be found in the backstage.