Registration forms

Anonymous users can create an account by using a registration form. The form always starts asking for an email address. When the email address is not known, the user continues with the form. When the email address already linked to an existing account, the user is redirected to another page.

You have to create a form with type 'Registration form'. On the tab "Account creation" you can set the following properties:

  1. A user group (required). The new user will get this user group
  2. Url when the email adress is already known. When null, the default login window is shown.
  3. Url after login: this url will be used immediately after a user did log in (in case the email address was already known). For example, this can be the url to another form to gather additional information. 


Suppose you want users to register for an event on a certain date. You organize these events more often, so in your data model you have two classes:

  • person: with fields 'first name' and 'last name',
  • registration: with fields 'event date' and 'music theme'

You have created a form with three fields: first name, last name and music theme (for anonymous users). And a form B with only one field: music theme (for loggedin users). The event date is set by a default.

In form A you have defined the user group, and set the url to form B as 'url after login'.

When a user arrives at form A, first the email address is asked. When the email adress is not linked to an existing account, form A is shown. When the email address is linked to an existing account, the user has to login. After login, form B is shown.


  1. A password is never asked on the registration form. After form A is submitted an email is sent to the user, that contains a link. When the user clicks on the link in the email, the email address is validated and a password can be entered. Passwords are not required since users can also login with other authentication means like tokens.

  2. You can store the email adress in the user data also adding a field with datatype email address in form A. The email address will be prefilled here. This email address can be changed manually by autorized users and does not has to be unique in the database.


In case you do not want the email address as first question when the user arrives at the form, you can also use the Account Creation Trigger on the form. In this case you should define the email address as one of the fields on the form. This is the historical way to create accounts using a form. You have to be aware that when the email address is already linked to an account, the account is simply not created without a warning.