General mail settings

The application can send and receive emails.

Sending emails

Some emails are related to user accounts, like verfication of an email adress. Other mails are defined in the blueprint, like email triggers, or in velocity files.

To send proper emails, you have to prepare the application:

  1. Set a from email address in the blueprint properties (as "Email address") or in the General settings (as "Email address"). The email address in the blueprint properties can contain a velocity script to allow a context sensitive from addresses.

  2. Create a SPF record in the DNS server for the given email address. The SPF record allows the server of your application to send out emails using the goven email address as 'from'. Check: Get a test email account at to check if an email send from this server is allowed

  3. In some case it is not possible to set the SPF-record for the from address, i.e. when you do not have access to the DNS. In case you have an other email address with access to the DNS, but you do not want to use that email adress as from address, you can set the other email address as 'On behalf email address' in the General settings.

Read more about how to improve your mailings.

Receiving emails

Contact CrossmarX when you want your application to receive emails.